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National Policy for Medicinal Plants and Herbal Medicines Revisited

After 17 years of publication of the National Policy on Medicinal and Herbal Plants (PNPMF), the Center for Innovation in Biodiversity and Health (CIBS) of Farmanguinhos/Fiocruz, through the Innovation Network for Biodiversity Medicines (RedesFito), in partnership with the Brazilian Association of Fine Chemicals, Biotechnology and Specialties Industries (Abifina) and the Brazilian Association of the Pharmaceutical Inputs Industry (Abifiqui) invites you to the debate proposed by the “Webinar National Policy on Medicinal Plants and Herbal Medicines Revisited”. The program highlights themes related to the formulation of the policy, its guidelines and the management of its program, seeking to verify achievements, challenges and prospects for its continuity.

The tables at the event will be composed of representatives of the different ministries, who were involved in the formulation and implementation of the policy; by representatives of social movements, civil society, government, as well as researchers, consultants and professors with in-depth knowledge of the topics to be addressed.

The National Policy Webinar on Medicinal and Herbal Plants Revisited, will take place remotely, on the 29th, 30th and 31/05/23 through the Youtube channel of RedesFito (

Don't miss this important event! Make your registration soon and download the agenda and the guiding text of the debate, on the RedesFito website (https://





University of Brasilia (UnB)

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