The article will be published soon in Plos One magazine!
It deals with the evaluation of the effects of nanoemulsion based on copaiba oil on Zika virus.
It was a collaboration between Prof. Dr. Marília Calmon from UNESP São José do Rio Preto and with the team of Prof. Dr. Valdir Veiga from the Military Institute of Engineering of RJ.
Valuable appreciation from LCBNano members: Ms. Marcela Landim, Ms. Beatriz Faria and Profa Dr Graziella Joanitti.
Congratulations to all!!!
TAGS: #academic publishing #scientific research #nanotechnology #copaiba oil #ZikaVirus #academic collaboration #teamwork #science #technology #health #LCBNano #UNESPSãoJosédoRioPreto #MilitaryEngineering Institute